In this world gradually inching towards total
interconnectedness, one cannot afford to lose on the cloud based Telephony
game. Businesses all over the world compete with each other in a number of
different ways, akin to Darwin's theory of evolution which emphasizes 'survival
of the fittest'. To become ‘fit’ in this environment for businesses is to have
an edge over other competitors, and incorporating cloud based telephony
services instead of maintaining a dedicated server for telephoning can improve
the lives of stakeholders and shareholders of a business alike.
A total of 33% of small and medium businesses (SMBs) are
also using chatbots, another automation product that is riding the wave of the
recent surge of automated technologies. Chatbots are virtual bot service used
to take customers' problems into account and solve them, all without requiring
any kind of manpower. According to a reputed analyst firm, these chatbots will
be incorporated into total 44% of SMBs in near future, the number only predicts
to rise in coming time.
A host of services are now being facilitated through
chatbots, like performing basic question-answer functions for customers to
addressing specific customer-specific inquiries. The chatbot solves customer's
grievances using appropriate databases or knowledge bases. Chatbots also
involve deliveries of scripted information to ensure the company is in
compliance with government or corporate rules and regulations, all without
needing manpower to direct or nudge and in a scenario where chatbots fail, they
have a provision to escalate it to a live agent, which is rare.
Businesses become healthy only when they are at the cutting
edge of technologies and in today's growingly interconnected scenario, it is
imperative for them to incorporate these services as soon as possible.
Businesses also get good feedback from the customers' since it only takes their
keyboard to solve a particular issue or redress a grievance, without going
through the hassle of talking to an agent about it.
Imperium provides modern day businesses to achieve full
functionality by providing them Chatbot services. Using Imperium Chatbot
whether you have a middle size business or at an Enterprise level, you can
reach up to your expectations like never before.